Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Meiji Restoration of Japan.

The name that the Japanese gave to their land is Nihon (“sun origin”), whic
h heavily reflects their belief that all Japanese are descendents of the Sun Goddess. The Japanese had consciously closed the door to outside intervention because they felt they had nothing good to learn from the barbaric people of the west, they may have been right; Over the 250 years that the Japanese practiced a closed door policy with the west, they enjoyed relative peace, prosperity, and advancement of the arts. By the 1820’s the Samurai class in Japan had become aware of foreign military might through the word of those who had traveled abroad. (Some Japanese found their way around the world upon foreign fishing boats.) Even some government aids such as Mizuno Tadakuni who had studied Dutch gunnery and English Industry in the 1840’s warned the Shogun of European advances; Mizuno prescribed a system of Eastern Ethics with Western Technology.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Communism is a way to keep everyone "equal" to let everyone feel as if one doesnt have more than the other.If everyone is working for the same amount of money than no one has more than the other at the end of the week.It was a way to show balance and structure.He saw the good guys as the worker.The people who would work for little money and stay for hours a day.Dispite the working conditions weather safe or not.The bad guys would have been the land owners.The bosses, the people who were causing all of the men to over work, and still not have everything needed.The guys who worked children and took away their oportunity for an education.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution.

I think that karl marx feel sad because the Conditions in European factories were very harsh and unsafe. also Marx's ideas were known as Communism, a word formed for common. Marx died in 1883, but his ideas formed the basis of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Marx believed that workers would control government, but communist governments were strict and dictatorial.